December 12, 2010
DEC 12, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Jim Coll, Vicki Copeland, James Daniel, Donna Davis, Charles Jackson, Jodie Jawor, Paige Phillips, Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder, Pam Willmore
The meeting, hosted by Paige Phillips, was called to order by Treasurer Deborah Barrett.
The following slate of officers for 2011 was approved on motion by Becky Ryder seconded by Charles Jackson: President Susan Davidson, Vice-President James Daniel, Secretary Donna Davis, Treasurer Deborah Barrett, Membership Chair Dee Rasberry, Publicity Chair Christy Turner, Social Chairs James Daniel and Donna Davis, Gran Prix Record Keeper Terry Lawhead, Club Record Keeper Ginny Dufrene, Longleaf Trace Liaison Becky Ryder and Webmaster James Daniel.
Becky presented revisions to the By-laws designed to make this document consistent with club practices. As Becky pointed out, having such bylaws is a RRCA requirement. The changes were approved on motion by Becky seconded by Keith Barrett.
The group discussed the upcoming Gran Prix series. Terry Lawhead has agreed to serve as Gran Prix record keeper for one more year but it will be his last. The group discussed possible ways to make this job less time consuming, including a smaller number of Gran Prix events . No decisions were made on changes to the series for 2011 but the group will begin considering these changes during the next year.
Becky reported that the current equipment use policy is working well. The group discussed a new issue related to the equipment use, that of fees offered for use of the equipment when officers transport and operate the clock at races. Options such as splitting fees with the club, above the cost of time and travel, were discussed but it was agreed that this issue would be considered at a later time.
Charles reported on plans for the upcoming Steam Whistle 12K. Pub glasses will be offered instead of t-shirts for participants. Charles requested that members consider volunteering assistance with food, registration and help on the course. Becky agreed to make cornbread, Deborah black eyed peas, Melissa Ravencraft will be asked to help with cabbage. Other members volunteering included Donna Davis, Paige Phillips and the Ryders.
Deborah reported that the Hobble Then Gobble 2010 netted $4,606.25, the highest figure ever for the Pine Belt Pacers. On motion by Keith, seconded by Becky the group agreed to a $4,100 donation to ARC, the designated charity for Hobble Then Gobble. The remaining funds will be allocated to the club's equipment fund.
At this time, the issue of Race Directors for next year's Labor Your Legs, Hobble Then Gobble and Steam Whistle was discussed. None of this year's race directors will be directing next year. Becky will send out an email to try and identify other members willing to serve.
The meeting was adjourned at this time and the members present enjoyed the remainder of the holiday event, hosted by Paige Phillips.