October 17, 2010
PINE BELT PACER MEETING – October 17, 2010
PRESENT: Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Jim Coll, Vicki Copeland, James Daniel, Susan Davidson, Donna Davis, Sandy Grissom, Audrey Jackson, Charles Jackson, Jodie Jawor, Terry Lawhead, Jodie Lee, Paige Phillips, Kevin Stephen
The meeting, hosted by Paige Phillips, was called to order by President Susan Davidson. Jim Coll invited Coach Kevin Stephen from the USM Track team to discuss the Pacers contributions to the USM Athletic Foundation in support of a scholarship in Track and Field. Coach Stephen expressed his appreciation to the group for these contributions and offered suggestions of other ways the Pacers might support the Track and Field program. After discussion, the group agreed that the next contribution would be made after consultation with Coach Stephens about the most pressing need for the program and how best the Pacers can help.
Jim Coll also announced plans for a Big Brother Big Sister 5K in Hattiesburg on December 4 th . The Pacers' clock will be used, with Jim operating it; volunteers from the group are encouraged.
James Daniel discussed the Pacer website and the advantages to the group of using Facebook to communicate with members. The groups' Facebook page has seen a significant growth in traffic lately and it allows members to post photos, race information, etc. on their own. After discussion, the group agreed that officers and race directors would be granted administrative status on the Pacer Facebook page so that information could be posted from the group. The website will continue to be maintained, as will the forum. James also pointed out that he will not be able to update the website during November. James also mentioned the need for the club to use Twitter to communicate with the group. Donna agreed to work on this.
Deborah Barrett presented a Treasurers' report. The club has $8,848.70 of which 3,032 are club funds, $1,299 in the equipment fund and $4,516 in special events. Of the special events fund, 3,216.61 was raised from Labor Your Legs to benefit MDA. On motion by James Daniel, seconded by Donna Davis the group agreed to donate $2,850 to MDA with the remainder reserved for the equipment fund.
James Daniel agreed to serve as interim Social Chair. Charles Jackson recently resigned from this position.
Paige Phillips agreed to host the Pacer Christmas party, to be held on Sunday December 12 th . Members will bring a covered dish and gift. Details will be announced closer to the date.
The members present discussed the group's participation in the Trace cleanup project. After considering a variety of options, it was agreed that Becky's input was needed as Trace liaison. The matter will be considered at the next meeting.
Plans were made for the transport of the equipment trailer from Susan's house to the Barrett's where it will be cleaned and moved to Bourne Brothers Printing to have the group's name and logo painted on it. At the same time, the Barrett's will look at getting a sign made to use at the Pacer membership table at Gran Prix races, and mile markers for Pacer events. As part of this discussion, the group also agreed that two more tables would be purchased for use at races, along with a supply of clip boards and more safety vests for course monitors.
The next Gran Prix event is the Ellisville Rotary 5K on October 30 th . Donna Davis will set up the membership table.
Donna also reported on 2010 Labor Your Legs. More than 200 participants registered and as noted earlier over $3,000 was raised.
Paige Phillips reported on plans for Hobble Then Gobble. Paige encouraged members to register or volunteer for this event, particularly those with experience at the finish line.
Audrey Jackson reported that preliminary plans were underway for Steam Whistle 12K, with details to be completed once the club gets past the Hobble Then Gobble. She did ask that members think about helping with the refreshments for this event (cornbread, black-eyed peas, cabbage).
Members also discussed the upcoming race schedule, including a race in Petal on November 6 th , “Stepping up for Mary Claire Lee and Rett Syndrome,” named in honor of Jodie Lee's daughter Mary Claire. Details for this race and other upcoming events are available on the Pacer website.
The meeting was adjourned and the group enjoyed the cookout hosted by Paige.