October 5, 2008
Present: Deborah Barrett, Keith Barrett, Donna Davis, Kily Garcia, Audrey Jackson, Charles Jackson, Mitzie Lawhead, Terry Lawhead, Andrew Maxwell, Dee Rasberry, Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder, Jamie Walker, Eric Weill.
The meeting, held at Jamie Walker’s home, was called to order by President Audrey Jackson.
Labor Your Legs 5K
Audrey began the meeting with a report on the recent Labor Your Legs 5K, held on Saturday, Sept. 13th (original date cancelled because of Hurricane Gustav). Treasurer Deborah Barrett reported that a total of $2,400 was raised after expenses. The proceeds will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association and Becky Ryder will arrange to meet with a representative from MDA to receive the check. Deborah noted that this donation would be approximately $600 more that last year, in part because some people may have registered for the Saturday date that could not come on Labor Day. The group discussed the need to note on registration forms that fees are not refunded in the event that races are postponed.
Financial Report
Deborah noted that the club has approximately $1,600 in the bank at this point in the year. Becky pointed out that there will be some significant expenditures in December, when the club’s insurance and Road Runners Club of America membership for 2009 are due. If paid in December, there is a 10% discount so it is preferable to pay those items early instead of waiting for dues to be received in January. In light of this information, Audrey suggested that the Hobble Then Gobble race proceeds be used for the general club fund rather than a specific donation. Deborah noted that this was consistent with past years in which general club funds were used to supplement donations made from specific funding raising activities, such as the USM track scholarship donation, the MDA donation, etc.
Continuing a discussion of financial matters, the group agreed that the club protocol for race funds accountability, developed using criteria from the RRCA, would be applied consistently. This includes races such as the New Year’s Day Steam Whistle 12K and the Mississippi 50 Trail Run, which are organized by individual members of the group. The club’s protocol will be sent to Audrey by Deborah. The information will be passed on to Tony Mozingo, who organizes the Steam Whistle 12K and Elmer Beardshall, who is the liaison for the Mississippi 50 Trail Run.
The club discussed assigning membership numbers to be used when registering for races to verify that members are receiving the discounted entry fee. A further discussion of membership issues resulted in a motion by Becky Ryder, seconded by Audrey Jackson to establish a lifetime membership level of $200 for an individual and $300 for a household. Passed unanimously, this new membership level will be available beginning in 2009.
Use of the Race Clock
The continuing issue of use of the club’s time clock for races was discussed at length. Current policy allows members to use the clock for races that are not specifically affiliated with the club. Those present expressed concern that the club’s considerable investment (approximately $3,000) in the clock was not adequately protected by this policy. Suggestions for a more appropriate policy included limiting use of the clock to officers. Other members would be required to make a $200 deposit, to be refunded only in the case that the clock is returned in good working order. Non-members would not be eligible to use the clock. Other possibilities discussed included charging a rental fee for the clock. It was pointed out that use of the clock requires considerable effort on the part of the member keeping the trailer (which houses the clock) to arrange for pickup and return. The need for an officer to take on this responsibility or to name an equipment manager was discussed. At this time, the group agreed to begin with the establishment of a form requiring the $200 deposit, explaining the conditions under which the deposit would be returned and a check list to insure that the clock is returned and is ready for use at the next event. This policy will become effective in January 2009.
Hobble Then Gobble Race
Audrey noted that she, Charles, and Andrew Maxwell would be sharing the role of race director for the Hobble Then Gobble 5 mile race on Thanksgiving Day. Plans discussed included the following: Audrey has in mind a design for the long sleeve cotton T-shirt for the race. Prizes will include a number of turkeys, which will be handled by Charles, and tiles, which Becky will arrange. Prizes will be awarded in 10 year age categories, with the addition of an oldest and youngest runner. Sponsors from last year’s race will be contacted and members were encouraged to identify and solicit other possible sponsors. Deborah Barrett volunteered to handle registration, Jim Coll will coordinate publicity. Jamie Walker will register the race online at Runner’s World and arrange for numbers, as well as print finish labels. Jamie also volunteered to get tickets for USM athletic events to use as prizes. Charles will be in charge of the time clock. Audrey will contact Tony Mozingo about getting permission to hold the run at Lake Serene. Kily Garcia will work on the entry form. Volunteers are still needed as course monitors and for the water station. Audrey suggested that those assisting with the race meet in a couple of weeks to update progress, with the first priority being race entry forms and sponsorships. The group agreed that registration fees would be $15 to pre-register, $20 for race day registration and $12 for members of Pine Belt Pacers.
Becky told the group about plans by Dr. John Pendergrass to have area runners participate in a program to provide medals won at races to children. Area pediatricians will be contacted Dr. Pendergrass and then the group will have the chance to contribute medals.
Becky also thanked the club on behalf of Robin Ryder for the participation and support of the members in the Oak Grove 5K, benefitting the school’s track program.
Upcoming events:
Halloween Run
A group run on Halloween evening is being planned to begin at 6:00 at Jamie Walker’s house (handy parking nearby at Temple Baptist) to go through the Oaks neighborhood to Vicki Copeland’s house. Runners should plan on wearing costumes and bringing a covered dish. Watch the website/email for update and details.
Pearl River Ramble 5K/10K
A well organized race on a scenic course was the recommendation from several members based upon their experience last year, the inaugural year for the race. Scheduled for Saturday, November 8th, details are available on the Pine Belt Pacers website.
St.Thomas Irish-Italian Festival 5K
Jamie Walker announced that plans are underway for 2009 Irish-Italian Festival including a 5K, and welcomed any suggestions from club members. Last year’s run, organized by Jamie, was a big success with more than 125 runners for the first year. Everyone at the meeting expressed their admiration for the job Jamie did planning this race, which will be a Grand Prix event next year.
The next meeting will be held in January. Date and location TBA.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Davis